12 x 0,5 L returnable bottles
12 x 0,5 L returnable bottles
12 x 0,5 L returnable bottles
12 x 0,5 L returnable bottles
Castel light or Castel dark
(You need: a simple tap fitting)
Castel light, Castel dark or Castel wheatbeer
- Only on reservation -
(You need: dispenser and carbonic acid)
Castel light or Castel dark - Only on reservation -
(You need: dispenser and carbonic acid)
Castel light
Alcohol content 4.6% vol. - Original wort content 11.2%
Castel dark
Alcohol content 4.8% vol. - Original wort content 12,4%
Castel wheat beer with fine yeast
Alcohol content 4.9% vol. - Original wort content 12.4%
Castel wheat beer - non-alcoholic -
with fine yeast
XL beer bottle 1 liter € 12.00
with clip lock
Beer siphon 2 liters € 20.00
Giant bow clasp and jewelry handle
Filled with Castel'er beer specialties as desired Castel Hell, Castel Dunkel or with the current seasonal beer.
The bottles can be filled again and again! No deposit bottles!
All information on original wort and alcohol content may vary. Please call for the current values!
Alcohol content 4.5% vol. - Original wort content 11.2%
emphasizes tart, bright yellow, lively, refreshing
Castel Märzen
Alcohol content 5.2% vol. - Original wort content 13.2%
soft, malty, full-bodied, easy to drink, light hops bitter
Alcohol content 6.4% vol. - Original wort content 16.5%
Gold-colored bock beer, invigorating, full-bodied, slightly fruity note
Flößer Bier
Alcohol content 5.5% vol. - original wort content 13.4%
sunny yellow, fine malty, refreshingly lively
Festival beer for October
Alcohol content 5.5% vol. - original wort content 13.6%
amber-colored, strong in taste, light hop bitterness
Christmas double-buck "Castelator"
Alcohol content 6.9% by volume - Original wort content 18.2%
full-bodied, strong, dark, slightly reddish, malt-emphasized, caramel-like roasted notes, slightly sweet
This is just a small selection of our seasonal beers brewed in the past years.
All information on original wort and alcohol content may vary. Please call for the current values!
You can find out which seasonal beer is currently attached to the tap here:
Brauhaus Castel
Owner: David Lane
Otto-Suhr-Ring 27
55252 Mainz-Kastel, Hessen
Consumption vouchers from 10,00 Euro
Phone 06134-24999
Monday - Thursday 11:30 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Friday - Saturday 11:30 a.m. - 0:00 p.m.
Sunday 11:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
warm kitchen until 9:30 p.m